WordAxis is a online word searching program. It is meant to be a helping tool for different types of word games and puzzles like Scrabble®, Jumble®, Upwords®, Wordscraper® and other similar games. With different search tools of WordAxis you can search words by different word patterns and forms. WordAxis has tools for crossword solving and simple & advanced anagram solving.

Search for a word or pattern - Complex word searches using wildcards

You can enter any word or use wildcards * and ? to make pattern. [learn more..]

Simple search - Try simple word search methods
    Starting with : Find matching words starting with a word or set of letters
    Ending with : Find matching words ending with a word or set of letters
    Containing : Find matching words containing a word or matching set of letters
    Hooks : Find hook words for a word, i.e. all words that can be formed by adding a single letter before or after

Search for Anagrams

Advanced Anagram Search - Search anagrams with advanced search options.
Choose the type of advanced-anagram variation you want?
Sub-words or words within, i.e find all words that can be formed from these letters/word.
Parent word, i.e find all words from which this word can be formed.(reverse of sub-words)

CrossWord Solver - Use our CrossWord solver for easy solving of crosswords.

Popular and common word lists

For users seeking very specific and advanced word searching, all the search options/tools can accept wildcards in search queries and the result can be filtered with word length constraints and sorting orders.

Install WordAxis toolbar
You can install WordAxis toolbar in your browser for easy access of WordAxis search tools right from your browser. To download and install WordAxis toolbar click here
Few Random Words: - begar - bounced - cubiti - dishevelment - inhume - slovenly - spirem - yowled

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