Details of word CONGRESS

Definition of congress

n. - A meeting of individuals, whether friendly or hostile; an encounter.
n. - A sudden encounter; a collision; a shock; -- said of things.
n. - The coming together of a male and female in sexual commerce; the act of coition.
n. - A gathering or assembly; a conference.
n. - A formal assembly, as of princes, deputies, representatives, envoys, or commissioners; esp., a meeting of the representatives of several governments or societies to consider and determine matters of common interest.
n. - The collective body of senators and representatives of the people of a nation, esp. of a republic, constituting the chief legislative body of the nation.
n. - The lower house of the Spanish Cortes, the members of which are elected for three years.

Word "congress" contains 8 letters : C E G N O R S S

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