Details of word JUSTIFICATION

Definition of justification

n. - The act of justifying or the state of being justified; a showing or proving to be just or conformable to law, justice, right, or duty; defense; vindication; support; as, arguments in justification of the prisoner's conduct; his disobedience admits justification.
n. - The showing in court of a sufficient lawful reason why a party charged or accused did that for which he is called to answer.
n. - The act of justifying, or the state of being justified, in respect to God's requirements.
n. - Adjustment of type by spacing it so as to make it exactly fill a line, or of a cut so as to hold it in the right place; also, the leads, quads, etc., used for making such adjustment.

Word "justification" contains 13 letters : A C F I I I J N O S T T U

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